Cloverdale Baptist Church

608 East Fairview Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36106

About CBC

We invite you to join in attending Cloverdale as we seek to grow and reach our community.


Our childcare workers are from the Cloverdale Preschool Academy who meets in our facility on weekdays.

Join us when you can

WEekly Schedule


Bible Study

Teaching God’s written word in a
small group discussion setting.


Sunday Worship

Corporate fellowship in Scripture,
music, prayer, and offering.


WEdnesday Fellowship

 Prayer, Praise & Devotion


Cloverdale Preschool Academy is a wonderful, safe place for young ones. We accept infants as young as 6 weeks and children up to K-4. Since 1985, Cloverdale Preschool Academy has been taking care of the children of generations of Montgomery residents.

The Regathering meets for worship in the Fellowship Hall at Cloverdale Baptist every Friday at 6:30 pm.

Wesley Church meets for worship in the Sanctuary at Cloverdale Baptist Church each Sunday at 9:00 am.

The Cloverdale Idlewild Neighborhood Association holds their monthly meeting inside our Church Fellowship Hall every second Tuesday of the month at 6 pm. They enter at the Mastin Lane Entrance.

Southside Gospel Fellowship meets for worship in the Fellowship Hall at Cloverdale Baptist Church each Sunday at 10:30 am. They also meet upstairs, on the 3rd floor, every Wednesday night at 6:30 for Bible study.

We offer a warm welcome for you to be our guest. We are a Southern Baptist Church and are open to people from all ethnic groups.